Policy for the Digital Millenium Copyright Act (DMCA)

It is our practice to reply to unambiguous notifications of purported copyright violations. Please notify us in a timely manner if you think that one of our users has violated your intellectual property rights. Every notice must abide with the DMCA's notification guidelines. You HAVE to supply the following details:

1. Declare that you are the owner of the work(s) that are protected by copyright or that you are "authorised to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed."

2. Determine which copyrighted material has allegedly been violated.

3. Provide us with the precise location of the infringing file and the exact URL to identify the material that is allegedly infringing or the subject of infringing behaviour. This material needs to be removed or access to it needs to be disabled.

4. Tell us the website address that the link was published under.

5. Give your contact details, which should include your phone number, address, and complete name.

(See 17 U.S.C. 512(c)(3) for further information on the data needed for a proper notification.)

We apologise if we accidentally posted any anything that is incorrectly associated with you or your company. We sincerely regret that and promise that it won't happen again. If you are the legitimate owner of the material that is utilised on our website, please send an email to with your name, organisation name, contact information, copyright-infringing URL, and copyright proof (URL or legal document).

It should be noted that claimants who falsely report that there has been copyright infringement may be held accountable under the DMCA for any losses sustained as a result of the item being blocked or removed, as well as for legal fees and court expenses.

If the above details are not included in a formal notification, it may be ignored.

To:, send an email

Please give us up to three business days to respond to your email.

I promise to take down the illegal content in a matter of 72 hours. I appreciate your understanding.